Image courtesy of me, artwork courtesy of Josh Rottkamp (81s) I think there's a certain art to writing short stories that can make them something of an enigma. I've always struggled with them. I seem to feel like I have much more to put down and flesh out than what just a few pages has to offer. They can be difficult, but at the same time... they can be quite beautiful. Anyone who has read any works by Philip K. Dick, or Ray Bradbury, you know what I'm talking about. Sometimes a story can be told in just a few pages (or in the event of a short film, a few minutes) and being able to get something across in so short of time is pretty cool in and of itself. Below I've included one of my first short stories. This particular piece serves as a prologue of sorts to my novella, Short-Lived. Take a look. Smoke The flint made a subtle grating sound as it sparked the butane-soaked wick of Jay’s lighter. He brought the flame up to the cigarette between his lips, allowing it to...